Wednesday, August 4, 2010



I have stictches in my Gum, lower left side of my mouth.

This is due to waiting far to long to see the dentist about some aches and pains (and swellings) in that area.

When I did go last week, withing two days, one molar was removed, along with a wisdom tooth.

My wife told me it took the dentist over an hour to get the infected tooth out.... (I was in sedated, locally, but more than enough).

So, Only very light training allowed until the stiched come out next Friday.

Luckily, I did an FTP test lest week.

I do the FTP tests indoors (harder IMHO to get the watts up) using the protcol in the Spinervals Threshold test DVD.

I worked out my FTP to be a pathetic 218W. I was at 250W two years ago.

Yesterday I did ABB1 Spinvervals DVD for one hour, intervals in the Endurance Power Zone (122-164W).

Once the stitiches are out, I'll switch to a training program similar to the FIRST marathon training principle. Three key workouts per week. One FTP intervals, One Hard intervals, One hard endurance (ride split into thirds - Endurace, Tempo then FTP).

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