Saturday, January 22, 2011

Testing, Training Update

A quick update on the training progress.

It's all good news, really.

on the 11.12.2010, my first FTP test after the Prep Period gave a result of 212W FTP.

Next test on 04.01.2011, and a massive improvement to 236W !! I was shocked at this, and had the feeling that during the test, I could have pushed harder, but hey, the result's good anyway.

The same with swimming - the first test of 3x300m @ 30s rest gave 1:58/100m, and on 06.01.2011, I averaged 1:53/100m, also a good improvement.

My aim for the IM is to have FTP 250W and 1:40/100m Swim TH. So far, so good.

In general, the best is swimming. I've always been an ok swimmer, and thus have never really trained a lot for an IM. However, so far in the first 8weeks of Base training, I've been 3 times per week, ca. 3km per workout, and the improvement is big - I get out of the water not feeling really tired at all.

Cycling is also good, although I've struggled one or two days. I don't do Z2 workouts - a week has these workouts:

2x20min FTP
60min VO2Max intervals
Endurance ride 40%Z2/40%Z3/20%SSpot
60min TH / VO2 max intervals

I don't have massive time to train, so seek to max out eack workout, and sometimes, I'm on the limit.

Running has finally started, and the ankle is holding up well. Having not run for sooooooooooo long, I was expecting a disaster in terms of speed, but it was ok. I have done 3x12min runs, all off the bike, all 6min/km with 138HR (Z1 for my running), which is more than OK for Zone 1. I need to be really careful here - next week, I'll do 4x12min, Z1 again, all off the bike to make sure the ankle is warm.

That's it..... for now.

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