Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Training Update

Well, last week a four week cycle finished, and test week arrived.

First up was the pool - this time in a 25m pool, as I've given up with the ultra busy 50m pool, that is also further away.

I expected to be faster, 25m vs 50m is alway a couple of seconds per 100m faster, and I was fitter.

The test is always the same - 4x100m build to warm up, and then 3x300m @ 30s rest. Result is the average pace per 100m for the 900m set.

On the 13.12.2010 -> 1:58/100m
On the 11.01.2011 -> 1:53 /100m

And on 31.01.2011 -> 1:44 / 100m !! Another big improvement.

Each 300m was [05:10 / 05:14 / 05:14] - so pretty well paced - but again, I wondered if I could have gone a little harder.

One thing that is interestin is the speed vs effort - the 300m intervals were swam at a hard but not all out effort. If I go all out for 50m, I'm only a few seconds faster / 100m, which means I have some technique improvements to train!

But overall very happy with the improvement.

Onto the bike... and the FTP test. This also follows the same protocol, which is the Spinervals Threshold Test DVD. Warm Up, 3x30son @ 30s Rest, 3min Hard, 3x1min Hard @ 1min Rest, and then 20min all out. The power for the 20min - 5% = FTP.

On the 11.12.2010 -> 212W
On the 12.01.2011 -> 236W

And on 31.01.2011 -> 255W !!!! Held 267W avg for the 20min.

This improvement was totally unexpected - I was hoping to have ca 260W FTP come the Ironman in July, to be nearly there already is great. This was also a test where I could maybe have pushed harder. The two previous tests had almost exactly the same HR curve, this test was 4 beats lower almost all the way through.

Part of the problem is mind over matter - when you push intervals of 270W+ the mind says "too hard" the Heart Rate tells a different story.

So the testing results continue to shock.

Also good is the running. The ankle is still not 100%, but each time I run (which is always a transition run), it doesn't complain, and I always run at a settled pace 135 - 145bpm. I've been up 50min with no problems. Considering I've been running for just 3 weeks, and I'm always running after the bike, the speed has been better than expected - after an hours bike ca. 5:30/km. Longer tougher two hour bike (of crazy VO2max intervals) yielded 5:55/km @ 140bpm.

This is more than ok - I'd like to run 5:30 / km in the Ironman, and there's plenty of time before then.

The only downside to training is the ever increasing training Zones. The week after the test has been tough - yesterday the 2x20min @ 242 - 255W were very tough. Last Saturday, I actually had to stop for the first time in ages in a 3x6min VO2max set - I just couldn't hold > 280W in the third one.

The same with swimming - now Moderate intervals are 1:49 / 100m, and I don't really feel like there is any "Easy Pace" swimming anymore.

But! The first week after testing is always tough, due to the zone increase. The end of next week will give a better indication of how things stand.

However, my target training test times ready for the IM are

Swim: 1:40 / 100m (gives about 1:50 / 100m endurance pace)
Bike: 260W FTP (can then ride IM @ 180-190W comfortably)
Run: run bricks after endurance ride @ 140-150bpm and 5:30 / km

The swim and bike are already nearly there. Running is also on the right track.

