Sunday, November 21, 2010

Prep weeks 1 - 3 Down...

... finally an update after a few weeks of preparation phase training.

Firstly the heel. Good news is that it has shown no reaction to the cycling or swimming. Walking is absolutely pain free - thanks to the Nike Free's + traumeel Gel (either genuine or placebo effect, I don't really care).

The only downside is that there is still a small sore spot when performing the "point toes and press" test.

But all in all, good improvement, an looking well when I start running the week before Christmas.

Regarding training, the first three of six preparation weeks are done, no running, just swim and bike.

The last two weeks were four bike sessions and two swim sessions (one swim session was missed though in week 2). The bike is ok - fitness and power are a disasterous as one would expect after so much time off. The positive is the improvement. The 30min sessions in Prep phase involve 5-6 x 3min @ 1min rest descending gears, holding a certain wattage. The very first session, I struggled to hold 180Watts for all intervals, with over 170bpm after the second interval. Yesterday, held ca. 200W for all intervals an hit the 170bpm's only in the last interval, which is good progress in just three weeks. Last week also had a 45min session.

Pathetic time when you think that in April a "60 min / 240min / 60min" "Swim / Bike / Run" session will be the norm.... but building slowly is key to prevent injury, no matter how impatient one gets to smash out 3hr+ interval sessions on the bike.

Swimming is also a disaster from the fitness point of view. Sessions are intervals totalling just 1000m of crawl in 25mins or so.... virtually nothing :).

The next three weeks of prep build up the volume a little (10 - 15% each week), with the last two weeks being on our holiday in Egypt, where the advantage of sleep, rest and food mean the training can be upped a bit - 5 sessions of swim and bike each week.

Then, all being well, the ankle will be 100% better, and I can start running, and enter the first Base training period!

